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Birthday Gift

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Sir Ulrich:
I have been considering using this for a birthday gift. Not sure what period it's meant for though, it says 1300 but I'm still unsure. Therion Arms says the 1200s. I sorta need a full helm that I can wear as I have been practicing with rattan clubs with my IRL friend whos in the SCA to try to learn some medieval fighting techniques to prepare myself for WMA. I do however want that dargen one from Royal Oak, but if I got that one I probably wouldnt use it in combat because it's so expensive...

Two things to be careful with:

1.  That helmet would not really be safe for combat with rattan unless you really stuff it full of foam and make it nice and form fitting to your head.  Even with the liner that I think it comes with, one hit in that thing, and it will quite literally ring your bell.

2.  Just realize that SCA combat will not teach you techniques applicable to WMA combat.  SCA combat's style is it's own sport and really isn't founded in WMA.  The benefit of SCA combat will be physical conditioning and the mental prep (basically getting used to hitting someone and being hit) that will definitely help you in any simulated 'combat' situation.  But you are also likely to learn a lot of bad technique habits that are peculiar to SCA style fighting that will not translate to WMA.  If you go in with that understanding you should be fine.

Sir James A:
Sir Ian made two great points. If you want a helmet for SCA combat, I would get a cheap bargrill to start with; optimum visibility, cheaper, and you'll be able to see if you like SCA or not. If you stick with it, you can sell the bargrill and buy a nicer helm. I have a number of helms that wouldn't meet SCA combat standards, but since I don't do SCA combat with them ... I don't care. :)

Sir Ulrich:
Well thing is I am not interested in SCA combat to be honest. It's sorta like me settling for something I really dont like in all honesty simply because theres nothing else in my area. I seriously was born in the wrong area. All I really want to do for it is get my stamina up and running for preparation for WMA or something like that. Normal exercising I got no motivation to do because it doesnt stimulate my mind enough and feels quite.... mindless in all honesty. Partially why I never did Phys Ed in school and simply slept on the bleachers there. In 2010 I was fit for it and quite different because I normally hiked with my friend, I plan to do it again as my friend I hiked with finally has fixed his back, being able to talk and walk keeps my mind off of stuff and I can exercise just fine that way. I think I might just get my parents to give me money so I can get the Royal Oak armory helm I've been wanting for quite a while.

Sir Wolf:
that thing is a huge brain bucket and will 1 be too big and B be to heavy.


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