Main > The Armoury

guarder badges

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Sir Wolf:
ok i think I've remade my pattern. made the connection pieces to the belts a lil wider so they didn't blow out like the 2 i had previous.

so far got 4 cut out and ready to paint. 8 more to go ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol

Sir Wolf:
12 badges: cut, cleaned and stamped. waiting on them to dry before i dye, paint and seal. not sure all of those will get done today. maybe the dying.

does anyone have one that can tell me, did I dye the back of them?

Sir Brian:
No you didn't dye the back of them and I really don't think they need to be. :)

Sir Wolf:
ya i think i didn't cause if they were on armour it would scratch off, and i was worried if it was on clothing it may rub off.

Sir Wolf:
dyed. now it will be awhile before I can paint. the dye has to cure or it will bleed.


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