Main > The Armoury

Finally received my riveting tool

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Sir William:
I figured as much, which is why I asked here because I know you or one of us would know.  I like the idea of a maille standard but that's just for comfort's sake.  I'll go with the coif/haubergeon setup I got set on my wish list, along with loose rings, rivets and a tool.  Even with all that it is still less than $600 all told and all coming from the same person so if there's a problem, one stop shop.

Think I'll cheat and go with a kneecop/greave setup instead of maille chausses; might sew some extra mail onto my pants (temporarily) for the upper thighs to give it that look.  Looking to get an elbow cop/bracer setup as well.  Any suggestions?  I might ask Allan to do it.

Sir James A:
I'd check with Allan on it, I'm sure he could do them (if he has time), he did a set of floating vambraces for me.

You could make some "cheater chausses" from the spare ring leftovers.

Sir William:
The cheater chausses is precisely what I plan on doing; you know what's funny is that I have some spare squares of rings from my current hauberk when I cut the sleeves down.


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