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Discount price on ebook of Medieval fantasy novel

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Hello dear sirs,

I wanted to share with you a promotion for the ebook version of my novel and a few other notices that might be of interest.

The ebook is at the bargain price of only 99 cents. This is perfect for those who just received an ereader as a gift this holiday season and are looking to stock their cybershelves with books. 

(It will have a comparable discount in BPS and Euros for my international friends.)

Simply go to and enter the coupon code XR43S at checkout.

It has multiple versions that work with Kindles, Nooks, iPads as well as Android tablets and smart phones. Just choose the one for your style of e-toy or personal computer.

The promotion ends at midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) on January 1, 2013. Hurry, and tell your friends.

2)  The following day, Wednesday, January 2nd, at 7 pm PST, I will be interviewed on <a href:"">KRCB Radio by Gil Mansergh</a> about my novel and various aspects of writing historical fiction. The interview was taped last week, so I can tell you that I read several passages from the story. If you have ever wondered what my voice sounded like, here is your chance.

You can listen to it live on your computer, but it will also be archived later as a downloadable podcast a few days later. I will put a link to that interview here once it is available.

3) I started a Facebook page for my novel.  <a href:"">Quest of the Warrior Maiden Facebook page.</a>

For those who are on Facebook, please consider adding a "Like" to my page. I plan on uploading many of the pictures I took on my two research trips to France. So far I have three albums that include pictures from Ancient Paris, the Medieval Walls of Paris and a side trip I took to Aachen, Germany, the capital of Charlemagne's Frankish Empire.

I am attempting at uploading a picture here for the first time. If it works, this is Charlemagne's throne that is on the second floor of the cathedral in Aachen, Germany.

Lord Dane:
Personally, I think seeing Linda all armored up would be a spectacular promo idea. :) :)

Sir William:
AGREED.  Will be looking for this book over the weekend.

Sir James A:
I need to figure out how to e-reader with a regular PC, and then I'll be buying it. Thank you for the heads up!

(And to follow up with Lord Dane, we'll never have enough armor pictures here!)

Since there is a chorus of gentlemen requesting to see me in armor, I shall do my best to comply. I warn you that it is not as good a picture as I would like. Perhaps it is because my son took it. I actually prefer the one I took of him much better. This was taken at a local Italian festival and one of the exhibits was of ancient Roman armor.

I shall endeavor to have another taken of me in armor at a future time to share with you.

And sir James, here is a <a href="">link</a> regarding reading ebooks on a PC or Mac.

There are several different applications available to download to support the reading of ebooks at your computer. Such as Kindle for PC, Kindle for Mac, Adobe Acrobat. They also mention Stanza and Bluefire being available in the Apple App store, but I am unfamiliar with those applications.

Choose wisely and hopefully you will enjoy my tale.

Bonne soirée, mes amis.


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