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Discount price on ebook of Medieval fantasy novel

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Sir William:
Linda, you look formidable in your armor, but it appears your son looks ready for his first shield wall!  :)

Sir James A:

Thanks for the link. The PDF option is perfect for me; I can read it on Windows or Linux, and also read it on my phone too. I missed the sale due to some personal issues, but I just ordered and downloaded the book now. Have limited time to read it in the very near future, but perhaps will start this weekend.

Sir James,
Thank you. I hope that you enjoy my tale. In a token of my gratitude, I am sharing a link to some photographs I just uploaded to my Facebook page taken in the summer of 2011 in France. It is from the site of Guédelon in the Burgundy region where they are building a castle using thirteenth century technology.

Construction started in 1997 and it is projected to take twenty-five years to complete.

Here is a public link to that album:

and here is a sample to whet your appetite.


Sir James A:
Excellent! I really like the project. It's a shame the one here in the US didn't do well. It's likely to be the largest medieval effort I'll ever see in my lifetime.

For those interested, the radio interview is now available to listen online or as a downloadable podcast from iTunes.

Gil Mansergh described the talk thusly:

Linda C. McCabe's historical novel Quest of the Warrior Maiden propels an entertaining conversation filled with blood, lust, fantastic adventure, and chivalrous romance.

Linda and host Gil Mansergh gab about those thrilling days of yesteryear when Charlemagne battled Saracen armies, sword-wielding knights Bradamante and Ruggiero fell in love at first sight, hippogriffs swooped in to carry one lover away to an enchanted island populated with seductive women, while his true love lopped off heads by the score with a swipe from her broadsword.

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He did ask me to read several passages, and I had positive feedback on my vocal performance.

Here are the appropriate links:

iTunes (you can search for KRCB Radio and Word by Word or use the following)

Or the direct link from the radio station's website:

I hope you enjoy it.


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