Main > The Great Hall

Regards from Germany

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Lord Dane:
Welcome Sebastian. Well-met sir. :)

Sir Ulrich:
Welcome to the forum.

Welcome! You ever consider the Teutonic Knights? A great piece of German history there.  :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-11-23, 13:47:20 ---Welcome! You ever consider the Teutonic Knights? A great piece of German history there.  :)

--- End quote ---

Does Sir Nathan get a referral bonus w/ each Templar to Teutonic conversion?? ... Or is he considering a future in sales?? If he isn't one now, Sir Nathan...slim probability. You must be slacking on your recruiting quota if you can't sell a Mercedes 2 a native German. LOL  :P

Sir Ulrich:

--- Quote from: Hermann von Redentin on 2012-11-22, 12:56:24 ---Thanks for the welcome greetings.
I will still need some time before I read everything in the forum.  :)

@Sir Brian: I come from Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania. In East Germany.

--- End quote ---

You actually come from the same spot as my German side of my family. Thats quite interesting.


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