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Early 14th century Teutonic Knight kit

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Sir Ed, you have hit upon my intention with these kits perfectly! That is exactly what I eventually want to be able to do!
Ian, thank you for you kind words. I do purchase everything with adaptability in mind! Maybe I'll make a timeline slideshow once I get enough pieces  :)

Also, do it! The world always needs more crusaders. May I reccomend the Teutonic Order? It's very nice this time of year  :D

Sir Brian:
Excellent as to be expected from you good Sir Nathan! You are truly an inspiration with your dedication and attention to details!  :)

Thank you Sir Brian! I am simply trying to keep up with you guys!  :)

Sir Ulrich:
Looking nice, and the coif looks better than when I had it, notice it's more shiny since you cleaned the rust off of it. Maybe I might upgrade my kit to late 13th early 14th so we can be a team of sorts. Just need to get a new shield and maybe a dargen style great helm.

Awesome kit, Sir Nathan! As one of German descent, I've always held the Teutonic knights in high esteem. Alas, your noble brotherhood was just forming when I perished at the Battle of Hattin in 1187. But my spirit rejoiced in the knowledge that the Holy Land and Europe would find new defenders. One day I hope to meet with you, good sir.


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