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Author Topic: Everyone surviving Hurricane Sandy okay?  (Read 12501 times)

Sir James A

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Re: Everyone surviving Hurricane Sandy okay?
« Reply #15 on: 2012-11-03, 16:27:44 »
I have been living in third world conditions for the past 4 days now. I averted a gas leak, which I saved the lives of myself my brother my father and dog thanks to my quick thinking. Thank god the hot water heater gas burner didnt go off otherwise our house would be blown up. I still dont have power but I do got internet due to the generator and I hope it works but I have been going crazy without any contact with my friends.

No power and no internet is what we did for fun at Days of Knights for 4 days. :)

Seriously though, good job at catching and averting the gas leak! Hopefully you'll get power back soon.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Lord Dane

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Re: Everyone surviving Hurricane Sandy okay?
« Reply #16 on: 2012-11-03, 17:43:53 »
I have been living in third world conditions for the past 4 days now. I averted a gas leak, which I saved the lives of myself my brother my father and dog thanks to my quick thinking. Thank god the hot water heater gas burner didnt go off otherwise our house would be blown up. I still dont have power but I do got internet due to the generator and I hope it works but I have been going crazy without any contact with my friends.

No power and no internet is what we did for fun at Days of Knights for 4 days. :)

Seriously though, good job at catching and averting the gas leak! Hopefully you'll get power back soon.

No power, no internet = Sword practice. :)
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Sir William

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Re: Everyone surviving Hurricane Sandy okay?
« Reply #17 on: 2012-11-06, 16:38:36 »
Thanks for the prayers and well wishes, brethren...I am much obliged.  If I can, I'll see if I can share some of the images with you (they're on my phone and I never really learned how to get them off of there, I've muddled through it a time or two).  Martial law is still in effect, still no power but they have running water now and all of the neighbors have pooled resources so everyone's linked to a genny somehow and they've been making regular supply runs further inland; they've still got about 2 feet of sand to get rid of that's taken up residence wherever the wind blew it (don't know if I mentioned the dunes got destroyed, long story that).  The water's been removed, now it'll be time to remove all of the carpeting and dry wall on the lower levels of most of the houses on the block.  Gas seems to be in shortage as well, despite Bloomberg allowing tankers into the bay.

I am hoping they'll lift the restrictions and let out of towners back in- only residents are allowed in and out of that area for the moment.
Ulrich, nice catch- my Mom did the same thing too.  Fuel had spilled in the garage, she could smell it but couldn't reach the breaker box so one of the neighbors was able to do it for her.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.â€