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Sir Ulrich:
Does anyone know where I could get a spear similar to the one Ed brought to DoK. I really think it would complete the whole "town guard" kit I put together at DoK which I actually liked better than my knightly getup due to being a LOT more comfortable to wear.

Sir Wolf:

Be warned though. Apparently "battle ready" spears are not as Battle Ready as swords by a long shot as I have found out.

So you may try here:

or here too:

Sir Edward:
The ones from A&A (whether you get it from them or through KoA) should all be good. I'd particularly look for the "lugged" spears (like mine), since they were common throughout the period if I'm not mistaken.

Mine is over 8 feet long. It looks like the A&A spears tend to be a little shorter. But you could probably order one and request a longer pole, since A&A is pretty good about customization.

Sir Ulrich:
I am prolly gonna save up for one, the shipping I bet would be a ton though being a long package and transporting it to faires would be a bit hard. Maybe I should get the GDFB lugged one for now and get the pole. Arms and armor's spears do look better but right now I am a bit short on cash because I am buying a lot of things at once.


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