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Sir Wolf:
just wanted to let u know that walmart should have this now. i found it at mine for 10 bucks.  i am planning to watch it this weekend and will let u know how it is. as a HUGE fan of the novel i am really excited

Sir William:
I saw this a few months ago on demand- definitely one for the collection!

Sir Wolf:
saw it last night.


now i know what people mean when they get upset over the books vs the movies. this movie had nothing to do with the books. i think they wanted to give him a back ground or something. didn't even get the color of his sash right lol.  it was ok for a movie, but the ending was blah... it was hurry up wait and its over. i saw 2.5 outta 5

Sir Edward:
Wow, it's a shame when they deviate heavily from the books. A certain amount is often necessary to make for a good film, but then they change details without need, or change the story entirely... then I have to ask, what was the point?

I may still want to see it though.

If you're coming at this from never having even heard of the books, will the movie still suck?


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