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On the Krumphau

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Sir Wolf:

.... i like Turtles?

Once my roommate was waxing poetic about some of the Fiore moves he had just learned and I looked at him and said that it was all well and good for Longsword vs Longsword but I knew I could take him in a unarmoured duel if I got to pick my weapons.

He asked what I would choose. I said "Heater Shield & Mace. I would be aiming for your hands a lot. Really anything I could hit."

He thought about it and said "Oh hell no".

OT v2: I've been out of armour for two months due to an impinged nerve & tendon in my shoulder. I was thinking of going to greatsword for a while to get back in. Thoughts?

Jessica Finley:
Hey Hersir -

OT1:  My favorite I saw on SFI years and years and years ago when someone was saying having longer reach was the most important consideration and THAT was why they liked two-handed swords.  A man said, "Ok, were i to challenge you to the duel, you get to choose weapons."  The other replied, "A Claymore!" the challenger replied, "Ok.  I get dagger.  We will fight in a phone booth."  That, I found, was an important thought exercise on blanket declarations of "what weapon/system is best".

OT2:  That totally sucks that your shoulder is messed up.  I have had my run-ins with shoulder injuries as well and have largely healed through PT and retraining the way I strike some blows.  I'll point you at this -
I found (upon review *after* injury) that I was putting a lot of traps into my strikes and guards.  That is, I was putting pressure on the vertibrae of my neck, and over-stretching the muscles in the back of the shoulder - which led to an injury due to the fact that my arm wasn't sitting in socket anymore.

Another useful exercise I've been doing a lot:

But the real answer probably is:  If your doctor gives you clearance to work out with the shoulder - then yes.  BUT make sure you aren't doing the exact same motions that injured you in the first place.  Have a fresh look at how you strike blows, make parries, form guards, and extend thrusts to be sure you aren't over-extending, twisting, cramping or some other weirdness that will re-injure you.  Consider slow form work to remap the pathways of habit you have in your mind.

If you need some forms to work, maybe I can shoot some video later today or tomorrow.


Jessica Finley:
Back to the Krump:

For fast, messy, and yet still generally how I would interpret it -

Love these guys and their work.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Jessica Finley on 2012-09-12, 11:44:22 ---Back to the Krump:

For fast, messy, and yet still generally how I would interpret it -

Love these guys and their work.

--- End quote ---

I love the energy in this video. Lots of krumphau goodness. :)

Personally I'd wear more gear at that speed, but if you're practicing a narrow set of techniques, I guess it's alright to use t-shirts? :)


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