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Author Topic: A Days of Knights Thank You  (Read 10028 times)


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A Days of Knights Thank You
« on: 2012-10-17, 01:30:25 »
Gentlemen, especially Sir Edward, Sir James, Sir Nathan and Squire Chris,

I want to convey my deepest thanks for such a wonderful time this weekend.  I don't know if many of you realize, but I don't get to share this passion with anyone other than my wife 'in real life.'  At work, a daring soul will once in a while ask me about a facebook photo of me in armor and then I'll wind up chewing their ear off on the history of the Hundred Years' War or the progression of armor technology in the high to late Middle Ages, but that's about my only real interaction outside of the internet with other people about my obsession with all things medieval and Chivalric. 

Being able to spend time with you guys and 'let it all hang out' so to speak was such a wonderful experience.  It's not that I have to hide these interests in my daily life, if anything quite the opposite is true, everyone in my squadron knows I'm in to this stuff, it's more just that I'm the only one in to this stuff locally.  Getting to experience the whole thing in such an immersive way was just so fulfilling and such an amazing experience, that I will never forget the events and feelings I had this weekend for the rest of my life.  I'm finding it hard to put what I'm feeling in to words, but I think that you all understand what it is that I'm trying to say.  Thank you for sharing it with me and making it what it was.

Yours forever in service,
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Sir Edward

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Re: A Days of Knights Thank You
« Reply #1 on: 2012-10-17, 02:54:50 »

Absolutely my pleasure. I understand completely what you're saying. I was doing this stuff somewhat in a vacuum for a long time as well, though never completely so, since I've always had at least a couple friends around that were interested in this sort of thing. At least once I got to college anyway. Before that, total vacuum. :)

In terms of the interactivity, I think things have really improved for all of us here within these last two years that we've had the Order. It's allowing us to do so much more than we could have on our own separately. And I definitely thank all of you for that.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir Ulrich

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Re: A Days of Knights Thank You
« Reply #2 on: 2012-10-17, 09:19:55 »
Well I would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming to me there. This honestly was a life changing experience for me at the very least, I mean it finally felt like all those years of online socializing I did finally payed off and I got to meet online friends in person at a very cool event. Being able to spend time with you people was rather nice, I mean I actually felt like I belonged there rather than feeling out of place like I normally do whenever I go anywhere. It was also a good time for my father and I to understand each other a bit more. I got to travel and saw different things and realized a lot of stuff. Even my father enjoyed it, wish he would get into reenacting himself though >_>

Lord Dane

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Re: A Days of Knights Thank You
« Reply #3 on: 2012-10-17, 11:28:34 »
My congratulations to you, SIR Ian. :) :) Well deserved.
"Fides, Honos, Prudentia, Sapiencia" (Faith, Honor, Prudence, Wisdom)
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Sir William

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Re: A Days of Knights Thank You
« Reply #4 on: 2012-10-17, 15:45:22 »

Absolutely my pleasure. I understand completely what you're saying. I was doing this stuff somewhat in a vacuum for a long time as well, though never completely so, since I've always had at least a couple friends around that were interested in this sort of thing. At least once I got to college anyway. Before that, total vacuum. :)

In terms of the interactivity, I think things have really improved for all of us here within these last two years that we've had the Order. It's allowing us to do so much more than we could have on our own separately. And I definitely thank all of you for that.

Hear, hear.  If it weren't for you fine fellows, I'd still be in my self-imposed vacuum.  All of my friends think I'm nuts- but my family gets it.  lol
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
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Sir James A

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Re: A Days of Knights Thank You
« Reply #5 on: 2012-10-17, 17:07:07 »
An honor and a pleasure, Sir Ian. It was great to meet you and your wife. I'm looking forward to when you move closer to us, so we can see you at some of the local Order gatherings.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent