Main > The Courtyard

Broke a Meyer!

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Sir Edward:

So our combat demos went pretty well this past weekend at VARF, but we did have one casualty. My Albion Meyer snapped when I was straightening the blade. I knew it would happen eventually, I was just hoping it would be a while.

I've had several hard thrusts over the years (accidentally, usually when the other person steps in and I'm not expecting it), that have required some straightening. Once this happens the first time, it's much easier to repeat it in the future, as the steel weakens. And it'll only take so many permanent-bends and straightenings before it breaks.

Inside the break, the grain looked good, and there were no rust spots migrating in. So it looks like normal wear and tear.

I still think these are some of the best trainers out there, so I've ordered the replacement. It'll take a few months to get here, so I'm back to using my A&A Fechterspiel until it arrives. This is fine, as it's a good trainer too. I just prefer the balance of the Meyer.

Sir Wolf:
somewhere i think you made an angel cry

Or a Mike Edelson... :o

Sir William:
I'm glad it didn't fail you mid-duel, although that would've been a crowd pleaser most like.

I think the thrust that did it in was enough for the crowd. According to our squire, there was a collective gasp and everyone stopped and stared...


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