Main > The Great Hall

Pax vobiscum

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Sir William:
Welcome back, Frater...good to see you anew.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
It has been some time since I last visited these cherished forums, perhaps because I've grown lazy and too familiar with many of the Chevaliers in these threads through the Book of Faces. I am glad to see the new members of this esteemed fraternity, and wish you all well. I hope to meet a few in the upcoming year, as I'm doing my best to travel about and generate more interest in the Military Orders of the Crusades.

Sir Brian:
Good to see you back to visit and revel us with your exploits whilst on the crusades brother!  :)

Lord Dane:
Shared sentiments here as well. Welcome back brother. :)

Sir Edward:

Hail, and welcome back, good brother! Any new tales of campaign in far-off lands? :)


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