Main > The Great Hall

Pax vobiscum

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Sir James A:
Hail and welcome back. Indeed, the Book of Faces can eat many an hour of medieval enjoyment!

A most pleasant surprise to see you back here Frater.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Thanks you all. We're in the process of arranging another Ren-Deus-Vult event in Fishers, IN in Oct. I would also like to start similar events at other locations. Currently on the test block are locals such as GARF, NCRF, and Scarborough Fair.

We've been promised the same remissions of our mundane work sins for attendance I assure you.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Frater de Beaumanoir on 2013-02-02, 01:02:08 ---Thanks you all. We're in the process of arranging another Ren-Deus-Vult event in Fishers, IN in Oct. I would also like to start similar events at other locations. Currently on the test block are locals such as GARF, NCRF, and Scarborough Fair.

We've been promised the same remissions of our mundane work sins for attendance I assure you.

--- End quote ---

Brother Frater, if you ever want to setup something 'Templar' in the New England area, please keep me in mind. I can accomodate with SCA, local ren-faires (CTRF, KRF especially), and other medieval networks. :) Be a pleasure.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Thank you for your offer kind Sir. I will note it down for future reference with a tag to expansion possibilities.


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