Main > The Armoury


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Sir James A:
For wisby gauntlets, you can try Les Brown ("whonew" on or Mad Matt ( if you haven't already

Ah! The 3turrets guy, I came across his site and was hanging onto it as a reserve in case some of the more known guys didn't get back to me. Doing a search on AA shows he IS one of the more known guys HA! The very first post that turned up started with "You need Whonew, his gauntlets are second to none."

MadMatt has it on his site that he isn't taking any more orders, not sure if that's still valid or what.

Sir Wolf:
wow i didnt know best armoury did wisby now!! it's been a long time since i was there. sweet. they make some awesome stuff.

check with some of the ukranine or russian or cheq guys on the archive. great prices and awesome stuff

I'm still leaning towards the bestarmour wisby's, I like the way they look over the others I've seen so far. The 6 month wait is still weighing on my decision though. Ah well, if I don't have them this summer, I'll have em for next year!

Sir Wolf:
thats actually not to bad. any less and you could get a rushed project or an armourer that may flake out.

have you found an image of a suit that you like to go with? we can help!!


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