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Pointing for maille?

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Sir James A:
They did have chairs and they did sit back in the middle ages. Knights would ride places on horseback rather than in a car, but still, seated. Royalty and scholars probably sat for a long time compared to the unwashed masses. But as a general rule, if people wanted food, they had to get it themselves; catch it, cook it, and/or harvest it. If they wanted to go somewhere, they had to walk. The men were required to attend church on sundays and practice archery. They were a lot more self sufficient and self-mobile than most people are today. Knights battled as their profession; it was not only in their best interest to be in good shape and a good fighter, but literally, their life depended upon it.

You can pick up some simple wrist weights and/or ankle weights that strap on your arms and legs, and wear those around the house too. Easier to put on / take off, and it will help with conditioning / cardio, as long as you aren't sitting the whole time. Lots of little things can make a difference. You're not likely to find anyone local that will tailor mail, but we'll help guide you through it if you're willing to do it yourself. In the end, it's just rings and rivets - you can't "break" it, everything can be undone or fixed.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Lifting a heavy hauberk and putting it on and shrugging back out of it, rinse and repeat.  You'll work muscles you may not have known you had and you'll feel the strain but the burn is GOOD.
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--- Quote ---They did have chairs and they did sit back in the middle ages. Knights would ride places on horseback rather than in a car, but still, seated. Royalty and scholars probably sat for a long time compared to the unwashed masses. But as a general rule, if people wanted food, they had to get it themselves; catch it, cook it, and/or harvest it. If they wanted to go somewhere, they had to walk. The men were required to attend church on sundays and practice archery. They were a lot more self sufficient and self-mobile than most people are today. Knights battled as their profession; it was not only in their best interest to be in good shape and a good fighter, but literally, their life depended upon it.

You can pick up some simple wrist weights and/or ankle weights that strap on your arms and legs, and wear those around the house too. Easier to put on / take off, and it will help with conditioning / cardio, as long as you aren't sitting the whole time. Lots of little things can make a difference. You're not likely to find anyone local that will tailor mail, but we'll help guide you through it if you're willing to do it yourself. In the end, it's just rings and rivets - you can't "break" it, everything can be undone or fixed.
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Right, although they did have seats yet their level of physicality was higher than ours, because they would wear their armor for longer periods (in war or Tourneys)and they would train when they were not busied with political or estate matters.

Sir Ulrich:
I started lifting weights again so I can put up with the weight of the maille. I may just add a bit of a taper to the bottom of my maille to make it easier to slip in and out of. As I said the sleeves flapping around make it rather uncomfortable to wear which is why they need tapering. Oddly my gambeson breathed a lot better than I thought it would at the faire then again it wasnt nearly as hot a day as it normally is. Thats the thing I love about maille is it breaths a lot better than leather or plate armor, just gotta cut the excess weight and I think i'd be fine in maille. Tailoring it will be a bitch though, I have no clue what I'd be doing to be honest.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I started lifting weights again so I can put up with the weight of the maille. I may just add a bit of a taper to the bottom of my maille to make it easier to slip in and out of. As I said the sleeves flapping around make it rather uncomfortable to wear which is why they need tapering. Oddly my gambeson breathed a lot better than I thought it would at the faire then again it wasnt nearly as hot a day as it normally is. Thats the thing I love about maille is it breaths a lot better than leather or plate armor, just gotta cut the excess weight and I think i'd be fine in maille. Tailoring it will be a bitch though, I have no clue what I'd be doing to be honest.
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Seek help would be the better choice Sir Ulrich.  It is a good thing that both mail and gambeson breathe well, that helps with humidity.  In regards to my Kit on humid days, I would wear a Half-Harness to reduce heat inside the plate armor.  On normal days, a full harness would be sufficient, or full harness on a humid (either for conditioning or demonstrating).  But the undergarments have to breathe or you would be baked inside your armor.   

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-05-25, 18:28:59 ---They did have chairs and they did sit back in the middle ages. Knights would ride places on horseback rather than in a car, but still, seated.
--- End quote ---

Not to pick, but there's a marked difference between riding horseback and riding in a car...last time I rode I was sweating rather profusely- a combination of a fairly warm day (80s temp) and the fact that it is a bit of a workout, especially in the core (unless you ride like a sack of potatoes lol) and the inner thighs.

That's why they had to tie down anything that couldn't keep up on the horse- sacks of grain and prisoners included.  ;)


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