Main > The Armoury

Medieval Spectacles

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Sir Edward:

Yeah, I've seen photos of the ones that are hinged in the middle and made of bone. Not practical for all-day wear, they were really just meant for reading at the time.

I like those wooden spectacles, they have always caught my eyes when ever I would see them

Sir James A:

Not the page I was thinking of, but the same style -

And some general info you've probably already seen -

good piece for Days of Knights, eh Sir Ed?  ;)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-04-21, 04:52:12 ---good piece for Days of Knights, eh Sir Ed?  ;)

--- End quote ---

That's what I was thinking. But I may end up just having to look into contact lenses. If I can get disposables, even if they don't fully correct the astigmatism and can just be "close enough", that might do the trick. But never having done contacts, I'm not sure how well I can get them in. I have some vampire contacts I bought for Halloween, and I failed miserably. I tried for like an hour to get them in. But they're much bigger than corrective lenses, so who knows.


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