Main > The Armoury

Medieval Spectacles

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Sir Brian:
I was kicking around the idea of getting contacts myself...hoping that perhaps my sword skills would improve a smidgen. ;)

Sir Rodney:
I use contact lenses, but my weapon skills haven't seemed to improve much.  ???

If you go this route, always bring a back-up pair.  You will never lose a contact in combat, unless you forget the back-ups.  Murphy's Law makes it so.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2012-04-23, 13:06:02 ---I use contact lenses, but my weapon skills haven't seemed to improve much.  ???

If you go this route, always bring a back-up pair.  You will never lose a contact in combat, unless you forget the back-ups.  Murphy's Law makes it so.

--- End quote ---

Yeah that will most likely be my result as well! As it stands now it is the only vague excuse I'll sometimes allow my abused ego to use before shocking it with the cold stark reality that practice and more practice would garner better results than excuses! ;)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir Ed, if you don`t have any luck with contacts and still want period glasses, Trevor Timms comes highly recomended and will fit prescription lenses.


Sir James A:
I found a set of historical specs that would look *perfect* with armor.

Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight - the helm presented to Henry VIII from Maximilian I. It's in the top left corner, but I forgot the page number.


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