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just a thought

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Sir Wolf:
what would people think about putting together thoughts, resources etc about making each of our kits all match the same year. could have wiggle room etc for personal tastes, regions etc but same major details. the talks on Days of Knights have really got my brain working on a fully detailed historical kit.... but what year? hehehe

Sir Edward:

As cool as it is, I don't know if we could all agree on a single year. Every time you add or remove something, or upgrade a component, you can end up shifting your year by a decade in one direction or the other.

Heh, on the DoK thread on facebook, someone was pointing out narrowing the Hospitaller kit in one of the pics to a specific decade because of a combination of the armor and the black surcoat. :)

I'm trying to get myself together enough that I can have reasonably period mail that will work with my usual circa-1300 kit, but also work convincingly as a 1250-1300 sort of thing, as a Teutonic knight perhaps (I have the surcoat and cloak on the way now, I decided to try the GDFB versions).

Sometimes getting everyone into the same century is hard enough. :)

I'm 200-700 years behind all the rest of you.


I'm quite heavily invested in the 2nd half of the 14th century myself....  and still not quite finished with my kit (waiting to hear back from HE on a proper bascinet). So unless that year is say 1356-1400 I'd have a hard time financially justifying it, at least for the next couple of years...

Although I'd love to get involved with some sort of serious living history.  We could do a time progression if people's kits are temporally spaced out though... I lurk on the DoK Facebook group since I'm not a member, but it looks really awesome.

Sir Matthew:
I'm hoping to start work on the much talked about Teutonic Kit I've been planning next winter. I'm shooting for mid-14th century, say 1340-1360s. With my involvment in 16/17th century reenacting it's hard to pull together the financial resources to work on the other kits I want to do. It would be cool for all of us to have kits in roughly the same time period, though.


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