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Author Topic: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha  (Read 10414 times)

Das Bill

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At WMAW 2011, Roland Warzecha, Jake Norwood and I did a little bit of fencing with the messer, and Tim Hall recorded some of it (some of it wasn't recorded, and some of the recording was corrupted, unfortunately). The footage sat around for month, but Tim remembered he had it and gave me a copy. I decided to put it up on YouTube with some slow-motion replays and commentary (mostly for my own analysis and betterment, but also to help clarify actions to people who weren't there).

Jake and Roland are fantastic fencers. I'd bouted a little bit with Jake before, so I already knew he was quite the swordsman, but this was the first time Roland and I had crossed blades. He and I started out initially with some "slow motion" fencing with sword and buckler for the sake of technique training (and if you haven't seen Roland fence sword and buckler, it's poetry in motion at any speed). When Jake came along, we switched to messer, and that's what you see in these vids.

I'm quite happy with these bouts because Jake and Roland possess a high technical proficiency where one has to really understand fühlen, distance and timing in order to fence against them. Rushing in and hoping to get the first hit doesn't work with these guys. There are some really great examples duplieren, mutieren, and general winding goodness.

Jake and I (and the video evidence that Jake pulled off plate 60 from Codex Wallerstein):

Roland and I (this is missing the most footage of them all):

Roland and Jake:
« Last Edit: 2012-04-02, 19:10:52 by Das Bill »
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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #1 on: 2012-04-02, 19:52:03 »
Nice slow work!

The slowing down of the video wasn't as necessary here due to the measured fighting pace as normal.

The wobbling sound in slow-mo is the background noise yes?
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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #2 on: 2012-04-02, 20:17:24 »
I just started watching it, and it looks great so far!

The wobbling sound in slow-mo is the background noise yes?

Yes, it's slowing down the sound, while maintaining the proper pitch. To do that, it's looping small chopped up bits of the sound, so it sounds very echoed.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Das Bill

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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #3 on: 2012-04-03, 19:03:32 »
Whoops, I just realized that I put this in the wrong section of the forums. I meant to put this in "The Courtyard", not "The Campaign!"
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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #4 on: 2012-04-03, 20:17:44 »
Whoops, I just realized that I put this in the wrong section of the forums. I meant to put this in "The Courtyard", not "The Campaign!"

I'll move it. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Sir Edward

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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #5 on: 2012-04-04, 13:54:31 »

This is one of the things I love about WMAW. So many great fencers in one place, and random fights like this all over the green. :)
Sir Ed T. Toton III
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Joshua Santana

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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #6 on: 2012-04-28, 01:06:24 »
I enjoyed these videos!

Bouting at half-speed is a method freely used at SIGMA, I had the fortunate opportunity to watch it and I will tell you that is the future of HEMA bouting.  I like how you think your techniques through instead of shooting and hoping for the best. As seen, there were many techniques employed and the fights looked a lot cleaner than before.  I say the next time any of us bout, why not give this idea a go?  ;)
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Re: Messer fencing: Bill Grandy, Jake Norwood, Roland Warzecha
« Reply #7 on: 2012-05-24, 15:55:13 »
Those are some lovely fights, I enjoy watching Norwood spar, always have. But You are quite talented as well, sir.