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NHSC 2012: National Historical Swordsmanship Convention 2012 7/5-7/8

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Sir Wolf:
wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.
--- End quote ---

Understandable Sir Wolf.  Anyone else?  Sir Nathan?  Sir Brian?  Anyone?

It's ok if a few come to the event, more likely, I can see us posting plenty of pictures and videos by the time the event is over.   ;)

Sir Brian:
Wish I could but my budget has been seriously stressed with my purchase of the Talhoffer.  ;)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Wish I could but my budget has been seriously stressed with my purchase of the Talhoffer.
--- End quote ---

Understandable Sir Brian.

Sir William:
Sir Joshua, I'm not going to make it.  Money's tight and there's other things that I want more.  Hopefully they'll let you take pics so you can tell us all about it.


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