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Author Topic: NHSC 2012: National Historical Swordsmanship Convention 2012 7/5-7/8  (Read 21430 times)

Sir Wolf

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wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.

Joshua Santana

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wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.

Understandable Sir Wolf.  Anyone else?  Sir Nathan?  Sir Brian?  Anyone?

It's ok if a few come to the event, more likely, I can see us posting plenty of pictures and videos by the time the event is over.   ;)
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir Brian

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Wish I could but my budget has been seriously stressed with my purchase of the Talhoffer.  ;)
"Chivalry our Strength, Brotherhood our sword"
Vert, on a Chief wavy Argent a Rose Sable,
a Gryphon Segreant Or

[img width=100 height=100]
<a href="http://s221.photobucket.com/user/Tah908/media/LP_Medals_zpsq7zzdvve.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i221.photobucket.

Joshua Santana

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Wish I could but my budget has been seriously stressed with my purchase of the Talhoffer.

Understandable Sir Brian.
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir William

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Sir Joshua, I'm not going to make it.  Money's tight and there's other things that I want more.  Hopefully they'll let you take pics so you can tell us all about it.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Joshua Santana

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Sir William: I understand, no problem at all.

Sir Edward:  Correct me if I'm wrong, are you attending the weekend portion of the event or are attending the full event?

My reason for asking is that I am attending the entire event and I will be having my pops there to video tape (if they allow us) the event including the free fencing portion for each day.
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir Edward

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I'm just coming on the weekend, so that I don't need to take any time off from work. Also, the first day will be mostly basics anyway. The second day would probably be review for me as well.
Sir Ed T. Toton III
Knight Commander, Order of the Marshal

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Sir William

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wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.

Sir Wolf, I just caught this...you work in the prison system?  You don't seem...mean or jaded enough, if you don't mind me saying.  When James B isn't smiling, he looks like he could be a guard.  lol
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Joshua Santana

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I'm just coming on the weekend, so that I don't need to take any time off from work. Also, the first day will be mostly basics anyway. The second day would probably be review for me as well.

Understandable Sir Edward, I see you want me to do all of the "hard work" before you pop up eh?  JK  ;)  Will look forward to see you at that weekend!   ;)
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir Wolf

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wish i could but I gotta work on the 6th in the Moundsville, WV prison ;) small convention there for the county schools.

have a great time.

hahaha nonono. i have a convention that day at the prison. it is no longer a prison but one of the only places large enough to have open to all of the county for the children to come get backpacks, crayons, checkups, haircuts etc for back to school. i go and set up a table to draw up business for the fall.

Sir Wolf, I just caught this...you work in the prison system?  You don't seem...mean or jaded enough, if you don't mind me saying.  When James B isn't smiling, he looks like he could be a guard.  lol

Sir William

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OH!  That sounds like an excellent program!  I would wonder why they don't do something similar here, but they might and I just don't know about it.
The Black Knight, Order of the Marshal
'Per Pale Azure and Sable, a Chevron counterchanged fimbriated argent.' 
“Pride makes a man, it drives him, it is the shield wall around his reputation.  Men die, but reputation does not.”

Sir Wolf

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the county is a LOT of low income families. so the state pays for all the kids back to school needs and has the get dental, haircuts and physicals too.

Joshua Santana

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the county is a LOT of low income families. so the state pays for all the kids back to school needs and has the get dental, haircuts and physicals too.

I see, I wonder if Sir Nathan would be attending the event?   
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

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Sir James A

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the county is a LOT of low income families. so the state pays for all the kids back to school needs and has the get dental, haircuts and physicals too.

I see, I wonder if Sir Nathan would be attending the event?   

Umm..... do you mean NHSC or the back to school one? You quoted the back to school one - Sir Nathan is graduating this month.
Knight, Order of the Marshal
Sable, a chevron between three lions statant Argent

Joshua Santana

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        the county is a LOT of low income families. so the state pays for all the kids back to school needs and has the get dental, haircuts and physicals too.

    I see, I wonder if Sir Nathan would be attending the event?   

Umm..... do you mean NHSC or the back to school one? You quoted the back to school one - Sir Nathan is graduating this month.

I meant to say NHSC, however I recall Sir Nathan stating he will be graduating, thank you for reminding me Sir James. 
Knight of The Lion Blade

Honora gladium meum, veritas mea, et SpirĂ­tui Sancto.  כדי לכבד המגן שלי, האמת שלי חרבי

Honor My Sword, Truth My Shield.