It's hard to tell from the pictures, but they're towards the front of my arm and even when I cross my arms in front of me, the marks are still 90% visible. I used to get bruising from a breastplate that was too wide back when I did SCA heavy, and these are in a different spot. It might be from the jacket, since I've never worn a fencing jacket before yesterday, but either way I am just going to call them marks of bravery, and cut the sleeves off my shirt so I can proudly display them.

Now for the difficult question .... what size do I need for chest protector / gloves / mask? I hate when they list abstract sizes like small / medium / large. I have a medium arming coat from revival, yet my gambeson from IceFalcon is XXL. I need a "test fitting".

I know the mask I wore yesterday was a bit too big, and in some of the photos you can see it tilted back. It wasn't snug under my chin at all, but it kept my brain intact while Sir Edward got in many head shots, serving it's purpose well. I may postpone ordering until our next session and hopefully try on the items Sir Brian and Sir Edward have so I can gauge if it's the right size or too small / large, then order accordingly.