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Chivalric Martial Arts International

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I'd be particularly interested in the fighting in harness instruction, that would be pretty cool. Would love to do the horsemanship stuff as well...

Sir Edward:
I don't think i have enough leave saved up either. But man, it looks like an awesome event. We need one of these over here in the mid-Atlantic area. :)

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-02-28, 03:12:54 ---I'd be particularly interested in the fighting in harness instruction, that would be pretty cool. Would love to do the horsemanship stuff as well...

--- End quote ---

Indeed. I have some basic riding experience, but that's about it. Mounted combat would be great.

We do some harnessfechten at VAF from time to time, and there was a class at WMAW for that this past year as well. I'm glad to see it getting more attention these days.

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-02-28, 03:11:16 ---I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!

--- End quote ---


this is the truest statement ever hehehe

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-02-28, 14:54:46 ---
--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-02-28, 03:11:16 ---I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!

--- End quote ---


this is the truest statement ever hehehe

--- End quote ---

Methinks they are still working on that one!  :D

Sir William:

--- Quote from: The Red Knight on 2012-02-28, 03:11:16 ---I didn't see "How can I convince my wife to let me go?" in the FAQ section ;D  Welcome to the forum!

--- End quote ---

Right.  Factor in the whole moving into a new home aspect, a wedding and two graduations coming down the pike and well...I'll be with them in spirit.


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