Main > The Armoury

Dane scabbard

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-03-01, 00:13:25 ---

--- End quote ---

WOW, that's absolutely stunning! It may be the best looking scabbard I have ever seen.

Sir Edward:

Yep! He just sent me the link too:

Basically after telling him I wanted wire wraps in it, gave him a simple sketch for a chape, and chose oxblood, I let him run with that and surprise me.

It's freaking amazing!

Sir Brian:

Whoa! That is freaking awesome! Think you'll have it before Sunday?
*I'll wear gloves I promise!*  ;)

Sir Edward:

Well, I just sent him the remainder of the payment tonight, so I doubt he'll ship it fast enough. I'll cross my fingers though. :)

Boy, now I need to take a break from buying toys for a while. This month I've spent money on this scabbard, a poleaxe, and a couple of shields. And that Albion is still a ticking time-bomb too. :)

Sir Patrick:


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