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Days of Knights
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-10-11, 04:16:59 ---Aren't you in law enforcement Lord Dane? ;) ;D
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Yes & most cops are not going to this event looking to bust knights drinking discriminately. What gets cops' attention is "stupid drunk antics" that get "complaints" or "potentially people hurt". So just be discreet & don't do anything stupid. They won't care or know the wiser. Minor infractions are overlooked typically if nothing serious.
I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but: You knights who are going please make sure to take plenty of photos! Perhaps even a short video ;)
Sir William:
I thought drinking was disallowed in any public park...hence the discretion necessary to do it on the sly. Sir Nathan...if cops busted everyone for every tiny infraction, I'd say 80% of the population would have a criminal record. If they do not already. lol
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-10-12, 14:11:44 ---I thought drinking was disallowed in any public park...hence the discretion necessary to do it on the sly. Sir Nathan...if cops busted everyone for every tiny infraction, I'd say 80% of the population would have a criminal record. If they do not already. lol
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It is why u do things discreetly but cops use discretion also in how they enforce infractions.
'Twas but a jest, milords.
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