Main > The Campaign

Days of Knights

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Jessica Finley:
Ok, pics are starting to roll in on Facebook and you guys look AMAZING!   I am so jealous that I wasn't there to see it all in person.  :)  Good work!

Lord Dane:
I'm sure you guys had a blast & it was a strong showing at DoK. :) Sorry I couldn't attend. Hope to see lots of good pics. And I haven't forgotten about our warhammer clash, Sir Nathan. :)   

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Jessica Finley on 2012-10-16, 01:52:38 ---Ok, pics are starting to roll in on Facebook and you guys look AMAZING!   I am so jealous that I wasn't there to see it all in person.  :)  Good work!

--- End quote ---

Oh, it was fantastic. Truly, truly fantastic! I've only seen about 600 or 700 photos so far. :D

Sir William:
I can't wait to see the photos you gents took!  I know Ian was generating a bit of buzz on the AA as his photo was linked.

Sir Edward:

I'm still working on photos, but here's a start:

My circa-1250 Teutonic Kit from Friday:

Sunday morning's Latin church service:

Accolade Ceremony, Sir Ian, Saturday:


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