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"Easy" armor suspension for armor stands

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Gareyth on 2013-07-17, 22:20:46 ---Were you able to come up with a workable solution for affixing the gauntlets?  Did you end up using the rare earth magnets, or do something else?

--- End quote ---

Your armor stand looks great. Yes, and no, to my gauntlets issue.

I ended up putting hooks over closet doors, and hanging them up there. Works fine, looks okay. After that, I talked to Wade Allen at the Baltimore Arms convention, and he said that he saw/read/heard from somewhere else about using hooks over the vambraces and under the gauntlet. I'm going to rig up something like a "Y" hook:

(single hook) ------- (line) ----< (split) ====== (two hooks)

Single hook on the vambrace/elbow, two hooks at opposite sides of the gauntlet cuff, to keep it sitting straight.

What I did for now, on the only harness with gauntlets, is on each side, I have a simple hook, screwed into a little piece of board, and fishing line (4 strands). The hook goes in the back of the elbow articulation, the line is tied around the hook - the wood keeps it from sliding off - then passed outside the vambrace, through the cuff of the gauntlet, through the palm strap, and tied to the crossguard on the sword. It only took about 5 mins to do, and it's a hack for now, but from a couple feet away you can't tell. It's far from perfect, and barely good, but I'm happy with how it looks for now.

More pics:

Sir Martyn:
Excellent idea (nice flamberge two-hander by the way).  We'll have to see if I'm skilled enough to rig up something similar once all our stuff has arrived in VA.

My wife has already warned me that the armor will not be displayed in the living room, but rahter in the basement :)

Sir Wolf:
a friend of mine made 1x arms. he used a larger bolt screw on the shoulders, but had 2 washers so they could pivot if moved. then he used a bolt n nut w/ washers at the elbow. then where the hand was it was larger to hold the gauntlet in place.


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