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A Mélange of Disciplines:

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Sir Brian:
It has been stated many times by many more people far more knowledgeable than me in WMA and fencing in general that the study of one weapon style can be conveyed into another. This has become much more evident for me over these recent months when I’ve taken up the study of the dueling epee and dueling saber. With the dueling weapons being so much lighter and thereby faster, I’ve seen a dramatic improvement with my reaction time with the longsword. The same is also true with my footwork. Before I never really felt ‘fluid’ with my steps and positioning while fighting with the longsword but after picking up the lighter dueling weapons my footwork feels a lot less lumbering. I am even finding myself exploring the feasibility of interchanging some techniques between the fighting styles of the three blades.  :)

Sir Edward:

Oh, absolutely! In fact, if you want to go the other direction as well, it's only a small step to go from half-swording a longsword into using a spear or poleaxe.

BTW, you looked really good out there on Sunday! You're getting quick, pressing the advantage, and you also looked lighter on your feet. Fantastic.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-01-26, 20:36:19 ---Oh, absolutely! In fact, if you want to go the other direction as well, it's only a small step to go from half-swording a longsword into using a spear or poleaxe.

--- End quote ---

Yes I can definitely see a strong correlation between half-sword and polearms. If I recall I believe Josh successful pulled a leveraged half-sword snit to young John during their bout.

--- Quote ---BTW, you looked really good out there on Sunday! You're getting quick, pressing the advantage, and you also looked lighter on your feet. Fantastic.

--- End quote ---

Well thank you! I know I still have a long way to go but I’m feeling more confident the more I progress.  :)

Sir William:
I'm going to try and make the next one...anything to get better.

Sir Brian:
That would be great Sir William! Of course you are also more than welcome to come on any of the non-free play Sundays as well! We had the Capitol paper there last Sunday to do a feature on MASHS for this upcoming Sunday edition, which I’ll add the link when it comes out, but hopefully we’ll see a surge of new students which would be a great time to get started. I won’t be there this coming Sunday but I usually attend every Sunday. Hope to see you there soon! :)


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