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A Mélange of Disciplines:

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Tis true that all styles are one style.

Have you read the Tao of Jeet Kun Do yet?

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---It has been stated many times by many more people far more knowledgeable than me in WMA and fencing in general that the study of one weapon style can be conveyed into another.
--- End quote ---

I heartily agree Sir Brian!  The disciplines if not the concepts found within the techniques of one weapon can transcribe well into other weapons.  An example I can recall is that I am training with the messer after doing some longsword, I have made improvements with my footwork and with the taught messer techniques.  All I can say is that the concepts of fighting do bleed into the techniques of several weapons and this also translates into cross training too.  I would not only like to train further in the Kunst des Fechtens, I would love to try out Bolognese Swordsmanship and other forms of western martial arts to help become a better practitioner and a better fighter.  Cross training has been the secret to success for some famous athletes and in the military.  I advocate cross training as a method of improvement and gaining martial wisdom in theory and in bouting. 

I wish you the best in your training Sir Brian!

--- Quote ---Tis true that all styles are one style.

Have you read the Tao of Jeet Kun Do yet?
--- End quote ---

I wouldn't say styles, rather methods of combat.  The fencing masters of the Renaissance and Medieval Era taught combat to point where it became a science in which deductive and inductive reasoning in conjunction with knowledge of the usage of the weapon were tested against the one changing variable or scenarios presented by reality.  There is a quote made by Joachim Meyer in his 1570 fightbook on what I am attempting to convey here
--- Quote ---"For as we are not all of a single nature, so we also cannot have a single style in combat,
yet all must nonetheless arise and be derived from a single basis."
--- End quote ---

Sir William:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-01-27, 20:42:10 ---Tis true that all styles are one style.

Have you read the Tao of Jeet Kun Do yet?

--- End quote ---

I have.  Twice, in fact.  He makes an excellent point in that if you study just one 'style' you are limiting yourself as a warrior.

I find that my cuts are more defined and cleaner after doing cuts w/ a one-hander.
Oh, if only I was in driving distance to your groups!  :P

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2012-02-01, 00:53:44 ---Oh, if only I was in driving distance to your groups!  :P

--- End quote ---

I hope perhaps you and Sir James could coordinate an occasional practice session. I know I wouldn't be opposed to taking another trip up that way for a practice session, especially since I have a second fencing mask to share.  ;)


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