Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Keep up your excersise or get hurt.
Went to the Doc today and was diagnosed with a rotator cuff injury. I should be up to 100% by May... a year after I hurt it. Looks like I'll be fighting in Crown single sword.
I took 5 months to go to the Doc. Could have been better by now. At least I got my inhaler refilled. Cardio here I come.
Sir James A:
IIRC my dad has had that before. I've heard they are no fun at all. Single sword isn't so bad; it's a step above "no sword" and two bad shoulders. :)
Good luck with the recovery and good luck at Crown!
Sir Brian:
Yeah I put mine off for too long and ended up doing some phyical therapy for several weeks but it's good now. Hope you have a speedy recovery! :)
Sir Edward:
Ouch, good luck! Was it your off-hand arm that was injured? I'd hate to have my right arm out of commission and fight with my left. Yikes.
Yep it was my off arm that was injured and I also weighed in at 242lbs.
I got a lot of work to do.
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