Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Keep up your excersise or get hurt.

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Sir William:
I endured minor tears to the rotator cuff in my right shoulder, both lifting-related.  I have a feeling it will trouble me in later years as I never had it looked at, arrogantly thinking that I'd recover no worse for the wear.  Largely, that is true, but I've noticed just the slightest of twinges when I go real heavy on say the bench, or in weighted pullups (where you add poundage to a belt, not the weight-assisted machine), or anything that requires stress on the shoulder.

Hurt my back a couple of months ago doing dead lifts and haven't seriously lifted since then.  A little gun-shy, you could say. 

Best wishes on a speedy recovery, even better ones for your foray into Crown.  I would not have guessed 242 for you, even knowing that you weighed that when we first 'met' on here (you'd mentioned it in another topics).

Yeah, you look thinner than that RauttSkegg.

I'll pray for you, rotator cuffs suck. Good luck with Crown BTW.

Sir Mari Alexander started a challenge club on Facebook called the Ab Diva/Divo's.

I have taken up her challenge at the 75 ab's/ day for 75 days level. I have added 40 pushups to this and will be doing the shoulder rehab 5 of 7 days.

Next week I add cardio. I want to be 215 by October. I was 5' 9" & 178 right out of Boot Camp (and right off of a glycemic crash). My healthiest weight at 5' 11.75" was about 210.

I'm in my early 30's and out of shap, but I have an inhaler & willpower.

Oy vey.


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2012-01-17, 01:37:54 ---I'm in my early 30's and out of shap, but I have an inhaler & willpower.

--- End quote ---

Two advantages I lack, and I'm also out of shape. lol :)

James Barker:
Rotator cuff and elbow injuries are common among SCA fighters, the way they toss so many sword blows in the game is so unnatural for human movement that it really does some damage over time.


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