Main > The Armoury

awesome stuff

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Sir Wolf:

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Cool, my brother would be interested in this, thanks Sir Wolf  ;)

Sir Brian:
Crap! I have to wait ALL day until I get back home before I get to see it!  :(

Sir Wolf:

Crusader outfit 12th/13th cent.

Century - Sources:
Complete 12-13 th. cent. crusader outfit
Available with different crosses or colors for other military Orders
Package includes:
Cloak; undertunic
Tunic A ; Shirt - A
Braies- A; Chausses B
Belt- A or B-; Coif, felt cap
not is included:

Complete crusader outfit
€ 453.00

Sir James A:
Good looking stuff. The $700 (USD) price tag, not including shipping, seems rather steep - especially if it's "off the rack" sizing (which I can't tell). I like that they have the option for other colors and/or military orders.


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