Main > The Armoury

The Templars are coming!

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Sir James A:
BJ, who made Sir Nathan's surcoats, finished my Templar surcoat:

Exactly as I wanted - plain, functional, and perfect for the "warrior monk" status. Now I just need to finish tailoring the sleeves of my hauberk and get the mail sabatons trimmed to size. :) The surcoat is in the mail and on it's way to me (this picture is from BJ). Pics of it in action with the mail will be coming soon.

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!

Sir Edward:

Huh, the picture didn't embed for me until I visited the link first. In case anyone else has that issue, here's the URL:

Looks awesome James!  Looking forward to seeing it being worn!

Sir Wolf:
coolness! hmmm i need to make one now too it seems

Sir Patrick:
Very nice!!


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