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Star Wars: The Old Republic
Sir Edward:
Yeah, I'm probably going to hold onto Artifice/Treasure Hunting for now (I'd keep Archeology since it's pure gathering), and not do anything rash. But I'll keep it dormant.
--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-01-17, 20:38:00 ---If you need a personal healbot for pvp let me know.
--- End quote ---
I'll have to take you up on that. :) If I pop "guard" onto you, I can earn a lot of points for that too. I just have to tank half of your incoming damage. :)
48 now and just arrived on Corellia. I really enjoyed the storyline on Voss. I thought both the class storyline and the planet storyline were above and beyond. Felt like the depth of writing and the story arcs were just a lot deeper than on some of the other planets. I felt a lot more invested in my choices here.
Other than that I've been healing a decent amount in warzones. The people who understand protecting the healer is advantageous make the fights a lot more fun. I should be 50 soon, then we can run some matches together and do some flashpoints.
Sir Edward:
Awesome, yeah I liked Voss too, except for all the darned running in that temple. :)
Corellia is pretty impressive. Large city areas. I feel like they did something similar to what they did in Hoth. The quests aren't hugely numerous, but they require you to travel around a bit. Of course, you'll get to finally confront The First Son toward the end of it. It's a tougher class boss, but only a little. He just has an insta-kill ability that you need to interrupt.
I'm having a lot of fun in the warzones, except the other day when I got disconnected three times, all during imminent wins. I usually try to "guard" the Sages when I get a chance to. Having a decent healer often makes or breaks your chances of success. If I can guard them, and they pop heals on me, we can do pretty well.
I got my first piece of 50 PVP gear. Looks like it'll take a while to grind out the rest, especially if all I do is warzones and not Ilum. Ilum PVP looks like it's pretty hit or miss right now, anyway.
Just saw it on my friends machine a bit tonight and I want to play. I like Bioware's stuff too bad my machine cannot even run KOTR 1.
Sir Edward:
Well, I've still been hitting the PVP warzones most days. I'm not always getting the daily done (sometimes it takes two nights depending on how much time I have, and whether we're on a losing streak). Some nights I can get 3 wins in rapid succession, and others it takes 8-12 matches just to get the 3 wins for the daily.
PVPing as a shadow is pretty fun. The Jedi Shadow is still a little squishy, but with a hybrid tanking spec, it mitigates that to some degree and still has decent DPS.
I'm noticing that the real healer classes are sometimes a real pain to kill. It often takes 2 of us to bring one down if they're self-healing and well geared. But I can also see the disadvantage of being a natural target, which makes me glad I'm not a healer, even though it means I'm kinda stuck with trying to just avoid damage (which translates to quick death for me, since I tend to stick to my targets until one of us dies). But the healers are super important, in any case. Often when one team is steamrolling the other, it's because they have 3-4 healers, and the weaker team just was 1. It makes all the difference.
But anyway, still having fun with it. With the recent patch this past week, it's a lot easier to get into the tier-1 PVP gear now, so that helps. I have a mix of T-1 and T-2 gear now.
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