Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Christmas lists?
Sir Wolf:
anyone got a list and checked it twice for this Christmas?
Sir Patrick:
I think I'm finally going to get some maille!
Everything on Albion's website 8)
Probably shooting for a Helm, and a blunt single hander (Looking at the Norman Hanwie/Tinker)
Yep I asked for Guns, Cash, and Armour.
James Barker:
I am looking at several expensive books. I just ordered a German book on medieval (wooden) chests, best there is on the subject there is. It is the least expensive at $60 too.
I want the new Wallace collection book: http://www.amazon.com/MASTERPIECES-EUROPEAN-COLLECTION-COMPLETE-CATALOGUE/dp/0900785934/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1317665943&sr=1-2
And the new double volume set of Carlo Paggiarino's Leeds armory coming out. It is the most expensive at about $350.
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