Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Christmas lists?
Sir James A:
I got my leg harness from Allan, so that is a great start. I also want the book by Carlo Paggiarino, I missed out on helping with some of the transcript since I had too much going on and no free time, but it's well outside my normal "present" price range.
I'm getting a templar surcoat from my wife (BJ is making it - the lady who does Sir Nathan's), and a set of Historic Enterprises braies, hose and pourpoint (from myself). The things I *really* need are 30 hour days and yard tools that don't break every year or two. :D
James Barker:
The new Carlo Paggiarino book is on my list; likely going to make an order next month. I have the other two and boy are they pretty books.
Sir James A:
James Barker, did you get your copy of the Wallace Collection?
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