Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

This .. is .. Sparta! 14th Century Mafia style...

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Sir Wolf:
james likes sports where its not gay unless you look into there eyes hahahaha

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: James Barker on 2011-12-07, 17:30:12 ---I don't see why a kick to the head in armor is any different than one in a martial art. MMA and even Olympic style TDA has plenty worse than that.

--- End quote ---

I'm thinking the extra trauma/force/weight of the ~10 pound helmet would make it less fun than regular martial arts since your neck is going to be stopping the inertia of the added weight. I've been kicked in the head in karate, it wasn't fun, but it wasn't nearly as painful as that video looked - it's hard to say based on just the video, but I don't think I'd want one of those shots for "fun".

James Barker:
Maybe maybe not. The weight of a helmet will reduce the likelihood of black or brown outs as the head will not move as easy with the added weight where as it may strain the mussel more with the added weight, which is worse which is better? It is all a judgment call.

I really cannot see how this is worse than watching MMA. I have see knock outs, people covered in blood, broken limbs, ect in MMA. In both cases people have chosen to play the sport/game as it is set up.

Sir William:
In martial arts where striking is the order of the day, you prepare for that- you expect it.  Let's take boxing for instance...as I have a long history of exposure to it; when I get in a ring, I know what to expect.  Now, if you put a kickfighter in the ring with me, and I'm used to fighting by boxing rules, I'm going to be unprepared for a kick should he decide to throw one.

I was surprised to see that kick performed and landed; I guess because I was not prepared for something like that.  I also cannot recall such a maneuver in the dozens of SCA vids I'd ever seen.  I don't know much about BotN or its ruleset so my comment was strictly based on the video provided.

In MMA, a 3rd dude doesn't run out from behind you and kick you in the back of the head when you're fighting someone else though.  I think that was a total cheap shot any way you slice it.  It all just depends on their ruleset.  All's fair as the saying goes...

In a real war, sure that's a great tactic, take out the guy who's wholly occupied fighting someone else, but in BotN practice, you probably shouldn't try to injure your teammates to get a 'kill'.  Let's face it, the object of BotN is not to kill or maim your opponent.  And please excuse the broad generalization here, but a lot of SCA / BotN / WMA / .... etc fighters are not exactly in peak physical condition like a professional MMA fighter (but that's another discussion  :o )


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