Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
This .. is .. Sparta! 14th Century Mafia style...
Sir James A:
Talk about a serious bell-ringing! I'd *really* like to know where/what this is - I'm betting it's in Europe somewhere. The video URL says LARP - it's definitely not. Wow!
I heard it was a practice for 'The Battle Of Nations'.
Sheez. Those freaking idiots. All it's gonna take is one guy getting seriously hurt to incriminate all of us >:(
So I checked.
It is practice for The Battle Of Nations (http://battleofthenations.com.ua/) which is held in Khotyn, Ukraine.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-12-06, 06:52:43 ---So I checked.
It is practice for The Battle Of Nations (http://battleofthenations.com.ua/) which is held in Khotyn, Ukraine.
--- End quote ---
Cool, how'd you find out the video is from there? I've seen a bit about the Battle of Nations, but I've never seen somebody take a kick to the head like that before, even in the rebated steel fights. That just screams broken neck / whiplash / head injury to take a head-snapping side shot like that.
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