Main > The Courtyard

Training tools - pell, cutting stand, and a "quintain" of sorts

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Nice Job!  :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Fantastic James,
I wish I had the space out back to do something similar.
I hope you allenjoy it this weekend.  ;)


Sir William:
It was a blast!!!  Plenty of room in that backyard there, Sir James...we had it all, mock bouts, different cutting media, an excellent array of swords and all of the sunlight and fresh air one could stand.  What's funny, in retrospect, is that we spent an entire day at it but it felt like at most a couple of hours.  My wife asked me how my 'playdate' went lol.  Time flies when you're having fun!

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---'playdate'
--- End quote ---

lol I loved that! :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-11-22, 22:46:49 ---
--- Quote ---'playdate'
--- End quote ---

lol I loved that! :)

--- End quote ---

Indeed, me too! :)


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