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Training tools - pell, cutting stand, and a "quintain" of sorts

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Sir William:
That's my Babe!  She thought it was cool that we could all get together and have our kind of fun; especially since I've not had a real outlet for that sort of thing, having been on a solo run for the most part so, thanks to all for making it a reality- I look forward to future get-togethers, gents.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
By accident I had come across a cartoon series: Jane and the dragon" and am interested in the object she uses for training with her sword. So it's not really a quintain, does anyone know if that type of thing existed, if so, what is it called and where can I find a diagram for making one.

Sir John

Sir Edward:
I haven't seen the cartoon, but it sounds like you're describing a pell. A pell can be constructed in many different ways, with perhaps the simplest being a wooden post stuck in the ground. Ideally they should have some "bounce" to them, to keep from overly shocking the blade, and thus your wrist. So people sometimes make them out of car tires, or wrap carpeting around a post.

Sometimes they can be more elaborate, with some armor or clothing, spring-loaded arms that move when struck, etc. But it's pretty much all the same idea.

If it has a rotating cross-bar at the top, with a shield on one side, and a hanging weight on the other, then it's a quintain.

Sir William:
Next time, we need to take some pictures- as Wolf says, pics or it didn't happen!  lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-02-03, 14:20:04 ---By accident I had come across a cartoon series: Jane and the dragon" and am interested in the object she uses for training with her sword. So it's not really a quintain, does anyone know if that type of thing existed, if so, what is it called and where can I find a diagram for making one.

Sir John

--- End quote ---

I found the cartoon series, but didn't see any pictures of her training. Do you have a picture or description of what it looked like? Sir Edward is probably right with pell; the most common training tools seem to be the pell and the quintain, for weapons on foot and weapons on horseback, respectively.


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