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Training tools - pell, cutting stand, and a "quintain" of sorts

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sirs Edward and James,

Yes, it is like a wood post pell, except it has a head with helmet and two arms that hang loose, one with a sword and one with a ball and chain. At its base, is a rounded object so that when the "pell" is strick, the "pell" turns around, and the knight must avoid or parry the ball and chain and sword. I nwould love to make one. If you go online and google "Jane and the Dragon" I think you'll find it there.

Sir John

Sir Edward:

OK, I understand. I'd still call it a "pell", just a more elaborate one that incorporates the idea of the rotating quintain.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I finally found that sword training "pell" from Jane and the Dragon series. Unfortunately it is only 3 KB size, I couldn't find a latger one. But maybe it gives you an idea.

Sir John

Sir James A:
Interesting, Sir John. I've never seen anything like that in regards to historical training, though my access to materials on that subject is a bit limited too. I'd personally call it a quintain, since it rotates and attempts to "counter strike", and I think of a pell as a generally stationary object which does not "fight back" in any way. It also kind of reminds me of those clowns with the round base that you punch and they fall down and come back up towards you:

It's a neat training idea. I have no idea how to go about making one, since the large rounded base would probably be tough to find / make.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I wish I ncould find out more on how to make one of these "pell/quintain" - it would be a nice way to practice with the sword.

Sir John


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