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Author Topic: three musketeers  (Read 14280 times)

Joshua Santana

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Re: three musketeers
« Reply #15 on: 2012-01-01, 21:58:47 »
Well I am back from college and I have a lot to post!

I lieu of this post, I have seen Three Musketeers and I thought that the producers have destroyed the film with Steampunk, kung- film style filming and with visual effects.  Thsi spurned me to read the book itself.  But I couldn't afford the time to read a  64 chapter book.  So I decided to donwload the audiobook from this website which does have some meideval and renaissance literature for free.



I listened to the entire audiobook and I am shocked at how in the book, there is plenty of action, suspense and history interwoven into the story that the film producers overlooked.  I understand that this is their attempt to revive interest in the book (which in reality is the first of three books called the D'Artagnan Romances), but I believe this attempt is feeble and does great injustice to the film. 

Is it entertaining? Yes. 

Is it close to the original story? No, you must read the book or cheat by listening to the audiobook to understand it.

(On a final note, the swordplay in the film with our Das Bill in agreement is atrocious)
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Re: three musketeers
« Reply #16 on: 2012-01-02, 14:58:12 »
I`ll wait untill this is on the bargain shelf in the dvd library then  ::)
« Last Edit: 2012-01-02, 20:50:31 by Sir Gerard de Rodes »
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Re: three musketeers
« Reply #17 on: 2012-01-02, 18:19:41 »