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Codex Manesse

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Sir Edward:
I figured I'd start a separate thread for this manuscript.

"Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift" is another name for Codex Manesse. I have a copy of that on order, and it should be here any day now. It was created around 1340, and is one of the main period sources of imagery we have that depicts great helms with large crests.

Here's a google search for Codex Manesse images:

The Codex Manesse is the single most comprehensive source Middle High German Minnesang poetry, written and illustrated between ca. 1304 when the main part was completed, and ca. 1340 with the addenda. The codex was produced in Zürich , for the Manesse family.

The poets are depicted with full heraldry, and so the book has a lot of colorful artwork from the early 14th century.

I figure this thread would be a great place to share some imagery, especially as it might pertain to your own kit.

Here are some examples:

Sir Wolf:
dems purdy. but sometimes those things leave you asking more questions than they show answers for!! hehehe

Sir Edward:

While looking at some of the images through google, I came across this interesting page in German. Here's a babelfish link to it:

And untranslated:

Sir Edward:

Well, Codex Manesse got here today. It's all in German, so I have no hopes of actually reading any of it. But the imagery is really cool.

On thing I'm noticing is that all of the knights are depicted with mail, long surcoats, and crested great helms. I'm wondering when most of the artwork was done, since the book was supposedly created over several decades.

I'm also noticing that all of the swords have the suspensions that consist of two holes at one end of the belt, and two tails at the other end that tie through. Every single one is like this. In some images the belts are dangling, and in others they've hung the sword off of a peg by the end with the holes.

Dang, I think I need to get a scabbard or two made this way. :) Too bad I already have scabbards for the two swords most ideally suited for this.

Sir Wolf:
ah ok so cool i have a suspension done this way. sweet!!! its really not hard at all to make. i made mine. if you get some leather that say 2-3 inches wide and how ever long you want it we can make it. you can even get 2 pieces


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