Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My Wedding

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Das Bill:
It was a very lovely wedding, and I'm so happy that you and Kat have finally made things official. I've often referred to the two of you when talking to other people as being two of the few people I know who truly just seem perfect together. :)

I don't actually have any pics of me with my sword on (Andrea took one, but I'm at an angle so that you can barely see the hilt), but she did get a picture of us doing the sword arch.

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I really wanted to run around and take pictures myself, but I knew I'd be too busy to do that, and I was. :) Boy, I had no idea. I knew it would be hard to get around and talk to everyone, but it was even harder than I imagined. Kat and I barely ate anything, didn't finish our slice of cake, and ended up eating at Cracker Barrel around the corner after we packed everything up.

The sword arch was truly fantastic, and we handed out several loaners to folks who didn't bring swords. I had enough Albions with scabbards to equip the groomsmen (except Jon who brought a katana). I spent some of Friday afternoon cleaning the swords to get them ready, and that included going over the entire blade surface on some of the cheaper CAS-Iberia pieces with a dremel (the blades had turned a nice light brown/grey color). The Albions, thankfully, just needed to have the pommels and guards cleaned up a little, which brightened up just fine with some steel wool and CLR. I did notice a few marks and pits on a couple of my blades, but no active rust. I really need to clean them much more often.

It took us a long time to get here, to make things official, but the wedding was great and we're very happy with how it all played out. I can't wait to see the professional photos!

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Very Many happy congratulations Sir Ed, it looks like it was a fantastic day.
I`m glad Kat has finaly made an honnest man of you  ;)


Sir William:
Congratulations, Edward...and welcome to the ranks.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2011-10-06, 03:13:06 ---It was a very lovely wedding, and I'm so happy that you and Kat have finally made things official. I've often referred to the two of you when talking to other people as being two of the few people I know who truly just seem perfect together. :)

--- End quote ---

I forgot-- I wanted to thank you for making such a nice compliment. I know I certainly feel that way. I love it when people agree. :)

I hope everyone had a great time, enjoyed the party, the food, and so on.

And I hope the groomsmen liked their gifts. Groomsmen/bridesmaids gifts can often end up not being very practical, so I got the groomsmen lock-blade knives, engraved with their names and the date.

I'm still not entirely used to my new ring. But what's funny is that I'm not used to it because it's smaller than the other ring I used to wear... my silver Grim Reaper. :)


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