Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
My Wedding
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-01-21, 00:14:41 ---
Surprisingly, yes. We still have mead left, believe it or not.
And when we finally ate the saved-cake this past fall, surprisingly it held up pretty well. :)
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Is it bad luck to not eat the saved cake? I think ours got freezer burnt or something...I'm not sure if we ate it or not...or if there was any left, now that I think of it.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-23, 15:56:54 ---Is it bad luck to not eat the saved cake?
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I would say no more or less than walking under a ladder or black cats crossing your path and such. If the determining factor of success or failure in a marriage is whether or not you eat a one-year-old cake, something else is probably amiss. :)
Sir William:
Well spoken, Sir James. I hold very little stock in 'luck' as it stands.
Lord Dane:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-25, 18:36:02 ---Well spoken, Sir James. I hold very little stock in 'luck' as it stands.
--- End quote ---
Stands true that the test of marriage comes from the willingness to accept each other as you are & compromise as needed by making adjustments in time to accomodate changes, not the ability to stomach the stale left-over ceremonial pastry in the fridge.
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