Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My Wedding

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Sir Edward:
The photographer posted a starter sampling of pictures to her blog:


Man, she did a nice job.

Sir James A:
Wow, very nice job indeed.

Sir Patrick:
Huzzah, Sir Edward!  May all of your years be full of happiness!  Wow, I'm away from the board just a few days... ;)

Congratulations, Sir Ed! I am thrilled for you and Lady Katherine.
I wish you many years of chivalric, medieval-themed happiness   :D

Sheesh, I am really the kid around here. I am working on keeping a girlfriend for a month, and you guys are all getting married   ;)

Sir Edward:

lol :)  Yeah, but it's worse. Most folks get married long before I did. I waited til I was 38. :)


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