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Greetings and Well Met!

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Greetings unto the Lords and Ladies!

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Ian LaSpina, and some of you may recognize me from MyArmoury or the ArmourArchive.  As I'm sure most of you can relate, I've been interested in the Middle Ages since I was a small child.  I grew up in the Tampa area of Florida, but lived in New York when I was a young kid and will never forget the wonder of that first trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art when I caught my first real glimpse of the medieval period.  Ever since then I've held a special place in my heart for all things related to the Middle Ages, from my first Medieval Lego set to the Albion Crecy I'm eagerly awaiting...

Some background on myself, I'm currently serving on a tour as a Navy helicopter instructor pilot in the Pensacola area of Florida.  I like to build computers, and use said computers to play games (currently finishing up a playthrough of The Witcher 2 and eagerly awaiting the release of Skyrim and hoping for a chance at a Diablo 3 beta key!).  Oh, and if anyone is interested in the upcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic, perhaps the formation of a guild could be in order?  I'm very much in to all things sci-fi and fantasy.  And while I have a love for all things historical and can be annoyed by blatant inaccuracies in movies and film, I still have a huge appreciation for fantasy and would never turn my nose up at such things.  To give you an idea, the middle tier of my wedding cake was emblazoned with 'The One Ring' inscription.  I also love to play guitar, and have been playing since middle school.

As far as my specific period of interest, I'm a late 14th century man.  I'm currently awaiting the completion of a new harness that will represent an English Knight ca. 1360-1380ish.  I have some minimal exposure to WMA.  I've attended a few ARMA classes but it's about a 1.5 hr drive there and back so a little impractical, but I do practice on my own when I can. 

Thank you for your time my lords, I look forward to being a part of the Modern Chivalry forums!

Sir James A:
Welcome to the forums, Ian. I do indeed recognize you from both MyArmoury and ArmourArchive, though I've seen much more of your posts on MyArmoury.

There are quite a few sci-fi guys on here, though I'm not one of them, I am also waiting on Diablo 3 (and have been since spending 4 days straight beating Diablo II as a teen many years ago). I do appreciate the fantasy end of "medieval-inspired" things, and I almost consider it a separate interest; I can also watch movies with clear inaccuracies and still enjoy that it's something for us to watch that isn't the usual dredge that usually fills TV and movies. I'll take 15th centuries templars on crusades during the black plague over Jersey Shore any day. :)

Sir Edward is the resident Albion guru. I *think* he may have a Crecy; I had a brief experience with one at Longpoint 2011 earlier this year during a cutting class, and it's a very potent cutter. Is it going to be your first Albion?

Any pictures or prototypes of what your new harness is based off of? I look forward to seeing some completed pics of it.

Yes James, the Crecy will be my first Albion.  I just put the order in about a week ago.  I'm currently shopping around for a potential scabbard maker.  I'm looking for someone who will do work with metal locket suspension for something appropriate for later 14th century.

I have some 'in progress' photos of the new harness that Jeff Wasson sent, along with a shot I took of me getting the lower leg casts done for the greaves.  Here's a link to those photos:

It's not based off a specific harness, but more of a conglomeration of effigies of the time.  If you have a copy of Arms and Armour of the Medieval Knight and look on page 83, you can a set of Churburg cuisses.  The wings on both the knees and elbows of my harness will be done in that style.  Other than that I elected to go with the integrated arm/shoulder harness as can be seen on many late 14th c English effigies.  At the time I met with Mr. Wasson I still wasn't sure what direction I wanted to go for torso protection, and have since commissioned Jeffrey Hedgecock's late 14th c Italian breastplate.

Im waiting for skyrim so bad

Sir Patrick:
Hail and well met!  I recognize you from My Armory as well, and look forward to your contributions here.  I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have. :)


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