Main > The Armoury

A truly sad day - Mercenary's Tailor is closed

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Sir William:
Matt's selling instruction manuals now, on how to make the armor like he does.  I just saw that you've put all of your tools on ebaY, Allan...wishing never did any good but I wish it did not come to this.

Allan Senefelder:
Whats for sale are the tools I will not need to finish outstanding work. When I have completed outstanding commisions the rest will go as I will very much need the money.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2011-09-30, 13:08:27 ---Please note, on Matts site it says " No New Orders ". Matt shut it down because of the economy last year. He's working off his que and I think occasionally selling a few stock pieces but thats fairly recent.

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I know he has taken a few random orders, and he had posted in a thread about "minimum orders" and said he has a $500 minimum order. I'm not sure how many orders he takes, but it's at least a couple. I don't think it's his full-time job, though.

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-09-30, 13:31:31 ---Matt's selling instruction manuals now, on how to make the armor like he does.  I just saw that you've put all of your tools on ebaY, Allan...wishing never did any good but I wish it did not come to this.

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--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2011-09-30, 13:53:41 ---Whats for sale are the tools I will not need to finish outstanding work. When I have completed outstanding commisions the rest will go as I will very much need the money.

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Post links to the tools auctions here too, please. I might make a bid or two on them, if you're selling your tools and leaving armoring completely I'd like to pick up some of them so I can try to make tweaks and adjustments to some of my gear since it doesn't sound as if you'll be able to. I'd rather get them from you and help you out of the situation you're, rather than buy from some random chinese company.

I was hopeful you'd hang on to the tools and down the road consider revisiting armoring at higher rates and as "spare time" work, but selling the tools makes me think it's not likely. :(

Sir Ulrich:
Great, thats a pain everywhere that sells custom plate armor is no longer in business. Guess I'll downgrade my kit to 1100s then. Theres no way I'm going to order plate thats NOT going to fit me or is going to be ill fitting. Beginning to wish I made the order for that stuff...

Sir Matthew:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-10-01, 00:56:35 ---Great, thats a pain everywhere that sells custom plate armor is no longer in business. Guess I'll downgrade my kit to 1100s then. Theres no way I'm going to order plate thats NOT going to fit me or is going to be ill fitting. Beginning to wish I made the order for that stuff...

--- End quote ---

Illusion Armory makes fitted plate and does do some custom work. They have a pretty long wait time, but prices are reasonable and they are a pleasure to work with. That was who did my Peascod Breast and Back. I guess I'll have to see what if they can make me an Almain Collar and what it would cost. Since seeing them on Allan's site I really liked the look and wanted one. I just couldn't seem to scrape the cash together to order it.


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